
Grand Casino Shawnee is located at 777 Grand Casino Blvd., Shawnee OK  Hotel reservations can be made by contacting them at 405-964-7777 for special rate of $109 a night.  Deadline for this rate is September 13, 2022.  Visit their website

Fire Lake Golf Course located at 1901 S, Gordon Cooper Drive in Shawnee is an enterprise of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation boasting 6,335 yards of greens, fairways and rough.  There are 11 beautiful lakes and a natural creek that runs through the middle of the course with championship Bermuda grass.  Click here for more information on the course.  Tournament is best ball scramble.  Mulligans are available in advance for $5 each with a team limit.  Lunch will be provided at the start of the tournament.